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Mid May Newsletter 2023

Mental Health Awareness Week

Welcome to the TMH newsletter monthly update edition.

Our monthly newsletter has lots of information in it, but sometimes there are so many things to talk about once a month just isn't enough, so this update edition aims to give you up to the minute help and support.

It’s mental health awareness week this week, so we at TMH thought our readers may appreciate some information on the importance of this on teenagers and children’s mental health.

Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK serves as a crucial reminder to prioritize and enhance the mental well-being of teenagers and children. As society recognizes the importance of mental health, it is imperative to equip younger generations with the necessary tools and support systems. In this blog, we explore the significance of good mental health in teenagers and children, emphasizing the need for increased awareness and proactive measures.

1.    Understanding the Challenges:

Teenagers and children face numerous challenges that impact their mental health. Academic pressure, social media influence, bullying, family dynamics, and hormonal changes contribute to the vulnerability. Early identification and intervention are essential to prevent the development of serious mental health conditions later in life.

2.    The Importance of Mental Health Awareness Week:

Mental Health Awareness Week, observed annually in the UK, aims to promote mental health education and reduce stigma surrounding mental health issues. The week-long campaign encourages conversations, raises awareness, and highlights the significance of mental well-being for individuals of all ages, especially teenagers and children.

3.    Nurturing Resilience and Coping Skills:

By prioritizing mental health in teenagers and children, we empower them with essential coping skills and resilience.

Educators, parents, and caregivers must foster open dialogues, teach stress-management techniques, and encourage healthy habits such as regular physical activity, quality sleep, and balanced nutrition.

4.    Building Supportive Environments:

Creating supportive environments is crucial for teenagers and children to thrive mentally. Schools can incorporate mental health education into their curriculum, ensuring students have access to counsellors and mental health resources. Likewise, parents should foster trusting relationships and listen actively to their children's concerns.

5.    Early Intervention and Professional Help:

Recognizing signs of mental distress early on enables timely intervention. Teachers, parents, and caregivers should familiarize themselves with common symptoms, such as withdrawal, mood swings, changes in appetite, and academic decline. Seeking professional help from therapists, psychologists, or counsellors can provide effective support and guidance.

In light of Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK, we must underscore the significance of good mental health in teenagers and children. Prioritizing their well-being and taking proactive steps, we can equip younger generations with the tools they need to thrive emotionally and lead fulfilling lives.

Let's work together to create a nurturing environment that supports the mental health needs of our youth.

Who are we?

Teenage Mental Health is a team of highly qualified therapists who have come together to provide exceptional services to those stuck on waiting lists fed up with not meeting a threshold for care.

We work on a not-for-profit basis so whilst we do have to charge for therapy (sadly no government body funds us) we do not make profits, our only priority is making sure that you and your child get the care that you need.

What Do People Say About Us?

“I really don't have the words to express how deeply and immeasurably grateful we are to you for all that you have done for us”.

“I could never have predicted that life would take the turn that it did, and without your unswerving support, guidance and encouragement I dread to think where we'd be now”.

“You gave us the best therapist and she has been amazing. We wish you all ongoing success with your incredible service." From H the mother of a patient after they finished sessions with us.

How Can You Access Our Services?

You can call us on 01473 411324, email us at or submit an online referral through our website

·  Assessments are free and even if you are not a patient or parent of a patient we are always happy to have a chat with you and offer support.

·  We have no waiting lists currently so when you contact us therapy can start almost immediately.

Thankfully we are now well into the year and whilst it may not have warmed up significantly the evenings are getting lighter, and the sun seems to be making an effort to shine for us all.

Sadly, with the start of the summer months we also see the start of the dreaded exam season and we are sure that many of our readers will have young people around them struggling through this period so here is some information on things you can do to help.

Exam Season

As exam season approaches, the pressure on teenagers in the UK intensifies, posing significant challenges to their mental health. It is crucial to provide support and guidance to help them navigate this stressful period effectively.

In this blog, we will discuss valuable tips and strategies for managing mental health in UK teenagers facing exams, ensuring their well-being remains a priority.

1.  Establishing a Balanced Study Routine: Encouraging teenagers to create a well-balanced study routine is vital. It helps them organize their time effectively, breaks down overwhelming tasks, and reduces anxiety. Allocate specific time slots for studying, breaks, physical activities, and relaxation to maintain a healthy balance.

2.  Promoting Self-Care Practices: Prioritizing self-care during exam preparation is essential for maintaining good mental health. Encourage teenagers to engage in activities they enjoy, such as exercising, reading, listening to music, or spending time with friends. Adequate sleep, healthy eating, and relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation can also alleviate stress.

3.  Encouraging Open Communication: Foster an environment where teenagers feel comfortable discussing their concerns and feelings about exams. Encourage open communication and active listening to provide emotional support. Remind them that seeking help from teachers, mentors, or counsellors is a sign of strength and can offer valuable guidance.

4.  Managing Expectations and Setting Realistic Goals: Help teenagers set realistic goals and manage expectations during exam season. Emphasize that their worth is not solely defined by their academic performance. Encourage them to focus on personal growth, learning, and putting forth their best effort rather than fixating solely on grades.

5.  Providing Healthy Coping Strategies: Teach teenagers healthy coping strategies to manage exam-related stress. These may include breathing exercises, mindfulness techniques, journaling, or engaging in hobbies. Encourage them to take regular breaks, spend time in nature, and seek social support when needed.

By implementing these strategies, we can effectively support the mental well-being of UK teenagers during the exam season.

Prioritizing their mental health and equipping them with tools to manage stress not only improves their performance but also sets them on a path toward lifelong well-being. Let's work together to create a supportive environment where teenagers can thrive academically while nurturing their mental health.


Just in case you have missed seeing our furry friend please feel free to call in on any Thursday when he is in residence.

Womble loves meeting and greeting people at the centre, in fact its a very important part of his training, so if you haven't met Womble yet do call in and say hello.

We’re Here To Help

We hope this newsletter has been informative and helpful. If you or anyone you know needs support, don't hesitate to reach out to our team at Teenage Mental Health. Remember, we're here to help and offer the care you need.

Teenage Mental Health are a self referral talking therapy service. We help children, teenagers, and adults who are experiencing mental health struggles.

If you would like more information please get in touch with us at or call reception 01473 411432.