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Christmas Season

Christmas can be such a lovely time of year, the dark winter nights have been drawing in,
suddenly there are colourful decorations and bright little lights to illuminate the long winter darkness. Normality seems to be suspended or paused, with everything mundane or normal seeming to stop for the party time of Christmas.

Sadly whilst normality may pause for some to be filled with festive joy, for others, especially those in emotional pain or experiencing grief, the mental suffering never pauses. In fact, for a lot of sufferers it can feel that Christmas makes things much much worse. All too often patients at our centre and their carers report a sense of dread and despair at the thought of Christmas as it looms on the calendar with an inner wish that it will pass quickly without bringing too many sad or distressing memories and emotions with it.

At teenage mental health we have noticed that most mental health support services close over the festive period, generally for a week or two, compounding, for some, their acute pain and sense of isolation. So we thought it was important in this blog to give some ideas to the reader, if they too find it hard to cope, and are feeling alienated by the festive season.

1. Try to remember it is just one day that will pass, it can sometimes help to try to think
of a day or event after the festive period that you can use as a focus to get you
through the day
2. You have every right to decide if you want to join in or not with festive celebrations,
you are allowed to want time alone and not be celebrating. It is your choice not
3. If you need help and support ask for it. There are some services still open (listed at
the end of this blog) they are ready and waiting to hear from you so don’t be afraid
to get in touch with them if you need support or advice, they would genuinely like to
hear from you.
4. It can be helpful to think about the things that you do have and are grateful for
rather than what is missing or absent. Try making a list and focusing on these things.
5. Do something that you enjoy even if it seems a bit silly. It is your time to use as you
wish not what others expect you to do.

Unfortunately, the world is as it is, and a blog cannot erase your struggles, but we hope that these points might in some small way help get you through the Christmas period if it is difficult for you.

Best wishes, Everyone at Teenage mental health.

Teenage Mental Health Opening Times Christmas and New Year 2022

Friday 23 rd December = 08:30hrs – 19:30hrs
Saturday 24 th December = Closed
Sunday 25 th December = Closed
Monday 26 th December = Closed
Tuesday 27 th December = 08:30hrs – 19:30hrs
Wednesday 28 th December = 08:30hrs – 19:30hrs
Thursday 29 th December 08:30hrs – 19:30hrs
Friday 30 th December = 08:30hrs – 19:30hrs
Saturday 31 st December = Closed
Sunday 1 st January = Closed
Monday 2 nd January = Closed
Tuesday 3 rd January = 08:30hrs – 19:30hrs
Wednesday 4 th January = 08:30hrs – 19:30hrs
Thursday 5 th January = 08:30hrs – 19:30hrs
Friday 6 th January = 08:30hrs – 19:30hrs

You can self-refer or email us 24hrs a day via: https://www.teenagementalhealt...

Someone will be in touch with you the same day or within the next working day depending on time of submission.

Below are a list of other organisations, with numbers to call for those in crisis outside of our usual working hours.

Samaritans – 116 123
First Response 24/7 Helpline – 0808 1963494
YoungMinds Crisis Text Messaging Service – Text: 85258
Papyrus – 0800 684141
Kooth -
Emotional Wellbeing Hub – 0345 6002090
The Suffolk Wellbeing Service – 0300 1231503
ChatHealth – Text: 07507 333356
Moodwise -
Mind – 03001116000
Covid Hub -
Suicide Bereavement Support – 0808 1689111
C.A.L.M – 0800585858
ChildLine –